Saturday, December 15, 2007

Witchee Poo looking for love! "The Dating Game"

Recently some of my childhood memories have come back to me about a television show that I used to watch all the time. "H. R. Puffin Stuff". If you remember the witch in that show was "Witchee Poo". Well it got me thinking about how cute she would make as a small self standing figure. Then I had this idea of her at the "The Dating Game". Since Valentines is coming up and trying to think of what to make. I thought it would be fun to incorporate Witchee Poo (in love) and the show the Dating Game. Two of my favorite shows when I was little. Just think of Witchee Poo on that show. Which bachelor do you think she would pick? Bachelor #1, #2 or Bachelor #3. On the back side of her halloween sucker is a number. Post the bachelor you think would be the best match for her. #1~Mr. Boney, #2 Mr. Gourdy and #3 Mr. Devilish. Stay tuned and the answer will be revealed very soon!

I am still not finished with these creations but stop and look to your left at the You Tube video clip and you will get a big surprise! A video of Witchee Poo in her Glory!!!! I just love her!


Kristen Beason said...

Well, I say just DO IT!!! Dating Game meets Witchiepoo. Why not? I love the concept. I vote for Mr. Gourdy because he's such a babe ;+)

Kim Hardt Originals said...

O.k. One for Mr. Gourdy!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

#3 Mr Devilish '-)

Chris :)

Kristen Beason said...

Mr. Devilish is a cad!

Unknown said...

I agree, Mr. Gourdy has so much more to offer... he's plump, has good insides and he'll continue to expand his horizons! LOL!! You can't get much loving from Mr. Boney... he has no heart - as for Mr. Devilish... well his name says it all!

Kim Hardt Originals said...

Oh this is getting good! You guys are so funny. And Lori, wow I would of thought you have meet these fella's before. Thanks for voting!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

I guess NOW I'm odd man out liking the devil...oops I mean gourdy! '-)

Kim Hardt Originals said...

Well Since we only have three votes and from the looks of it that is all witchee poo is going to get, I will be posting who she ends up with very soon. You will be surprise.